T Letter Shortcuts

Abbreveation description
TTYL - Talk To You Later
TTFN - Ta-Ta For Now!
TB - Text Back
TMB - Text Me Back
THX - Thank You
10Q - Thank You
TTTT - To Tell The Truth
DA - the
THANQ - thank you
TXT BAC - text back
TYVM - thank you very much
2DAY - today
2MOR - tomorrow
2NITE - tonight
26Y4U -too sexy for you
T+ -Think positive
TMIY - Take me Im yours
2 -to, two
TWT- Twat!
TW - Team Work
TNTLLAC - Try Not To Look Like A Cock
THX40 - Thanks For Nothing
TDTM - Talk dirty to me
2BONO - To be or not to be
2U2 - To you, too
TAFN - That's all for now
TAH - Take a hike
TARFU - Things are really fucked up
TBA - To be advised
TBC - To be continued
TEOTWAWK - The end of the world as we know it
TFH - Thread from hell
TFN -Thanks for nothing or Till further notice
THNX 1.0 - Thanks a million
THX, THN -Thanks
TIA - Thanks in advance
TIAIL - Think I am in love
TIC - Tongue in cheek
TLA - Three letter acronym
TLGO - The list goes on
TM - Trust me
TMA - Too many acronyms
TMFA - Too many fucking acronyms
TMI - Too much information
TMK - To my knowledge
TMTOWTDI - There's more than one way to do it
TNA - Temporarily not available
TOM - Tomorrow
TOS - Terms of service
TPC - The phone company
TPTB - The powers that be
TSR - Totally stuck in ram
TSWC - Tell someone who cares
TTBOMK - To the best of my knowledge
TTT -That's the ticket or to the top
TTWIG -That's the way it goes
TTYL8R -Talk to you later
TWIMC - To whom it may concern
TY -Thank you
PU -That Stinks
TAS - Taking A Shower
TCB -The Trouble Came Back!
TDM -Too Darn Many
TFDS - That is For Darn Sure
TGIF -Thank God it Is Friday
THX or T- Thanks
TLK2UL - Talk to You Later
TNC - Tongue In Cheek
TNX - Thanks
TOT - Tons of Time
TP - Team Player
TTG - Time to Go
TTS - Text to Speech
TTUL - Talk to You Later
TVN - Thank You Very Much
TXS - Thanks
3 -Three
10 - Ten
tbh - To Be Honest
2n8 - Two and Eight (Right Old State)
HACK - To use something not in its intended manner.
tfr -Thanks For Reading